What would Open Door be without its selfless volunteers?
Walk in on any given weekday and you will see the volunteer crew stocking food shelves or assisting a client at the Outreach Center.
Over at our Open Door Thrift Store (located next door to our Food Pantry) volunteers are busy accepting and processing donations, stocking merchandise on the floor and welcoming a new customer or client.
Since 1980, hundreds of men, women, and children have stepped forward to make the Open Door Outreach Center available to struggling families in our community. We simply could not exist without the 125+ caring individuals who donate their time and talent to those in need.
They bless us with their time, talents and hearts every day.
They organize and oversee the majority of fundraisers, events and special programs.
They are the model for our “Neighbors Helping Neighbors” creed.
You could be one of those volunteers. The need is great and we invite you to donate a few hours a week or month. We train!