Open Door Outreach Center Charity Golf Tournament
Beacon Hill Golf Club, Commerce MI
Friday July 25th
8am check in, 9am Shot gun start
$175 per player
$50 dinner only 2pm arrival*
$650 4 players

Join the Open Door Outreach Center for our 2025 Annual Charity Golf Tournament, Friday July 25th at Beacon Hill Golf Club. Enjoy a day of fun while supporting your local neighbors in need. Golfers enjoy 18 holes with a cart, continental breakfast, Hot dog/chips and pop/water at the turn, Drink Tickets, Dinner and Course prizes after golf, Chipping and putting warm up available. Goodie bag to all players, 50/50 raffle, team skins games, many prizes and a chance to win a NEW 2 year Car lease compliments of SZOTT Auto Group in Holly.
*Not interested in golfing but want to support and attend, join us for the banquet portion and participate in the Gift basket raffles, buffet dinner and 50/50 raffles, prize and more $50 per person, 2pm arrival.
Sponsorship opportunities available, secure your spot today
please contact Dawn 248-306-2931 ext. 8 or email